Sunday, June 8, 2008

why is it so infrequent

The movie was running in sci-fi channel. I don't know the movie name and it is one of the movies that they make 'in house'. Something horrible happened in her past and probably she is sitting there to think about what next but ends up in thinking about what happened and how it could be thwarted. When the director pitched it should have been like this: The lady is sitting on the banks of a stream. The place is serene. She picks up the pebble and throw in to the slow moving stream. It ripples and gets lost into numerous pebbles lying below. She picks up another and over time she just swings her hand there is no pebble in her hand and her eye is lost into horizon with the empty hand drawing an slowly moving arc on air which forms a poetic picturization in the viewers eye. But what we see is through the eyes of a camera which fails to focus what it shall focus and a face which has no clue on what it does and we end up in seeing a person who sits on a place for reasons she don't know and do things just because she had been asked to do.

But this happens quite often, something which looks so beautiful in mind but when started to put in action tatters and looks like, “பிள்ளையார் பிடிக்க போய் குரங்கு பிடிச்ச கதையாய்” When I am about to bed or when I wake up in middle of night or in the morning hours when one have time and wish to sleep and sleep eludes, something forms in mind, which looks so impeccable with all pieces of the puzzle in place . But as time slips and when I log in to transmit what is in the brain to to the tips of finger, somewhere in the channel it gets distorted. Sometimes I may miss the magic line, sometimes it looks things just not in order or out of context.....

Unlike that director I don't have deadlines so I press the delete button instead of publish button.

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