Monday, January 19, 2009

It's a lie!!! (nitpick)

I shall thank to my 5 year old niece to open my eye to the lie with which we started our country. I was talking to her over phone. She was starting to school and asked me about my office. I said for me it is night. She could not understand. She was wondering how could be such a bright sun exists and I can say night. That was the moment it dawned me what a lie i have read, re-read hundreds of times , quoted hundreds of times, has been accoladed for reciting out with a vociferousness more than that of the person who said it first time: “when the world sleeps, India will awake to life”. does ever whole world sleeps at same time?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

intersting da ..
true ,at times children ask questions which reminds of our illusion/ignorance..