As the movie title rolls, we see two women getting ready. The scenes switch between their bedrooms to give a sneak into the way how they start a day. One, carefully gets herself ready in empty nice house. On other hand, we see a girl who chose 'a' dress . She leaves from her messy room , kissing her boyfriend in bed and then eats a heavy burger with garlic and onion smell. She is the protagonist of the story, Andrea. Andrea is getting ready for her interview to the post of personal assistant to Miranda (played by Meryl Streep), the editor in chief of fashion magazine 'Run-away'. Miranda can make or break any fashion designer. This job is what any girl would die for. For Andrea, fashion world is just a dress. She want the job for the contacts it gives.It's a temp place for her. While every one runs behind Miranda, Andrea just does her job. She puts all her effort. She works even ignoring her meeting with her father. She does it to show she is capable but not because she likes it. She doesn't get a smile from Miranda. She says Andrea disappoints her. Andrea decides to resign. But it makes her feel as if she is quitting. Andrea, the intellectual, smart girl. Girl with brains in a place loaded with girls whose brain knows only about food and dress. Can she quit ?Won't it mean she couldn't do what those girls can do. Does she concede? After this movie is about how Andrea wins the heart of Miranda. She shouts over the roof top when Miranda remembers Andrea name and ask her to do deliver notes in her house. But in the course she loses her friends, boy friend more importantly what she stood far. What is worse, when everyone says she has changed, she thinks she didn't, she thinks she is same old idealistic girl and now she had no other option. She does everything just because Miranda wants her do it.
Are we all not Andrea? The world calls it as growing up, becoming சமத்து. Are we not get seduced by the appreciation of our superiors .For that aren't we move far from what we stand for and get engulfed in the great grand spin? The greatest irony is that we never know that we are moving away from our base. At the end when we get changed so much, we no longer remember where our base is. Its same for an innocent college grad enters into corporate or for an revolutionary leader who starts his fight against giant system for the people's independence and sovereignty. We all wonder how he got changed so much, how he degraded from a Savior to a mob killer, how she changed from a heart of gold to surviving beast which will drink any blood to secure its position. The real world says its as being practical. What a vicious word? What a euphemistic way of saying nothing else is reality?
All start as a small compromise. Small compromise to stay in the game. Change yourself little bit so that you can be in the game and when your time comes you can do what you want. But for that you have to be in the game. But, history again and again shows, these people when they reach the point, which they wanted to reach- not for its attraction but for the help it will give to their cause- gets completely merged into the system and no longer remembers why they actually want to reach there.
It all starts as a simple game of visiting the boundaries of a dark forest. We just keep few steps in and get out. We keep playing. We think we can toy with it. But over time, before we recognize, we reach a point of no return. In the movie Annie just throws her mobile and gets back to her world. In real life, we couldn't say so easily, "I quit", even when we realize the cost of running it is getting more. Eventually we chose to surrender than to quit.