Monday, July 26, 2010

traffic diaries-2

What all we do is to play. Life and we exchange punch inside a boxing square. For an epoch of time, you go on defense mode, dodging the punch and for some time you try to make some hits. It might get nasty with some hits under belt. As bell goes round after round, it's not that easy to play a disciplined game. All gets fair. One fine day you enter the arena, but don't go for the square. You take a chair and watch the match while sipping a drink. It doesn't matter who plays against whom. You observe it like a passenger in a window side seat. It is called aging gracefully, a life well lived. But not all get this. Some are forced to play at square and for some the beatings they took in match make them to close themselves in their room , shut away from world, in a state of self imposed imprisonment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My god, I just realized the name traffic diaries. Good thought.