Friday, June 1, 2007


I was watching "The shawshank redemption". In the movie there comes an explanation on the word "Institutionalised", which is "You hate it, then adjusted to it and finally fully depend on it."
Now I am able to much appreciate what I heard some time back "Marriage is an institution , which one can't avoid in our society".
What a succinct truth it is that an elderly family man could say..

1 comment:

Lakshmi.. said...

Marriage -- Institution, a social compulsion also.
I still remember the train journey with a elderly lady.During the talk she advised "Do get married soon.YOu know,once u delay marriage you'll hv limited options to choose from.."
I was surprised,i never viewed marriage in this way.Mostly people get married to a person due to family compulsion (thou they may be loving someone else)and by the fear of society.They just compromise...Get used to the person,n gradually be dependent on them.
Thought provoking...I think I can comment much better if I get married..or i'll also become a part of this institution and try to overlook the obvious!:)