Sunday, March 1, 2009


I shall write, as frequent as, at least a para at a time. It could be about anything including nothing. It shall have simple sentences. Short sentences of small but correct words. It shall attempt nothing other than speaking interestingly. It will be written- rewritten till it’s achieved. It can speak about same things again and again, I can rephrase what some one said, but it shall not use same sentences.

Why it shall present here. The people who reach for this blog can be counted in two hands. They come here because they know me, nothing else. When I started to write here 2 years back I thought it would be a miracle it crosses 10. Here I am close to half century. So I hope I can outlive my expectations.

“What the hell you mean by, is he normal? He is normal…Yes, He says Let there be lights, even to turn on room light. It’s because he reads lot, dreams lot. He wants to become a playwright. He will become, my son will.” The tiny drop about to spill from her eyes finds place in kerchief.

“Please find him. He didn’t runaway, He is missing. I am a single mother, I drink, smoke, I live selling me. But I am not a bad mother. I love him” Her heart screamed, but her lips only quivered.

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